The arrest of Majid al–Shuraidah after honoring the father of the martyr Ahmad Molla

The Iranian intelligence service has arrested Sheikh Majid al-Shuraidah, the father of Ahwazi journalist Mr. Mohammed Majid in Ahwaz capital On Friday, 9th March 2018.
The arrest of Sheikh Majid al-Shuraideh comes after his tribute to Sheikh Molla bin Ashmil, the father of the martyr Ahmad Molla, head of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Al-Ahwaz (ASMLA) to give sword to bin Ashmil in honor of the sacrifice of martyr Ahmed Molla.
The move was seen as a challenge to the Iranian intelligence service, which had prevented the funeral of the martyr in his hometown of Shuaibiya city.
The Ahwazis activists sees the arrest of Sheikh Majid al-Shuraideh as an arbitrary step in which the Persian occupation seeks to clamp down on the Ahwaz people who provide moral support to the families of prisoners and martyrs.
The Shuraida family confirmed that it will not retreat and will not be affected by these brutal arrests, while the Persian occupation is trying to suppress any popular movement witnessed by Ahwazi Arab.
Ahmad Mola Nissi, 52, leader of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Al-Ahwaz (ASMLA), was shot dead in the Netherlands on Wednesday the 8th of November 2017.
After the assassination of the martyr Ahmed Molla, Ahwaz witnessed a wide movement at all levels, where popular demonstrations broke out in various areas of Ahwazi to denounce the racist occupation policies against the Ahwazi Arab people.

Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights
Written by Ali Bouazar
Date: 12/03/2018

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